After almost single-handedly dragging his country into the sewer, Bob still has the audacity to lay the blame at Blair's feet. Gaining power over what was once the bread basket of southern Africa, Mugabe and his ragtag herd of ZANU-PF 'war veterans' (some of them not old enough to be 'veterans' at a game of marbles) have raped, pillaged and bullied their way through a land-reform program that must be hailed as the bungle of the decade.
Facing severe food shortages, runaway inflation, currency devaluation and almost 70% of his work force fleeing to neighbouring countries, this 'hero of transformation' has stood valiantly by his ill-conceived and even worse executed policies of national strangulation. The general strike that sparked this drivel is the savoury fruit of his own toils. It boggles the mind that this self-styled Zimbabwean Misinformation Minister can make such an incredulous claim without fogging up his bullet-proof glasses in shame.
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